Frank van der StokLoading … is a curatorLoading …, editorLoading …, advisorLoading …, authorLoading … and tutorLoading ….

Some selected news:

  • I was the editor and projectcoordinator for Monumental Moments [Erik Lieber] (2024) Breda, The Eriskay Connection. Designed by Jeremy Jansen. My Instagram-post.
  • Mondriaan Foundation granted my application ‘curator/beschouwer’ with working title ‘Otherworldliness’ for one year part time, to work on plans for an exhibition, a publication and a public program. The source material to base this visual research on is found footage, primarily taken from a wide range of books [june, 2024].
  • The publication When you point one finger, three are pointing back by Lana Mesic has been launched at Walgenbach Art & Books, Rotterdam. Jeremy Jansen: design and edit, The Eriskay Connection: publisher and I signed for supervision and final edit [january, 2024]
  • As Radical Reversibility I have co-curated with Taco Hidde Bakker Of Gaia and Ouranos, an exhibition by Roger Cremers and Doina Kraal at Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam [november 2023].

The exhibition works from a transhistorical approach to materiality, ideas, and media, questioning how the past, present, and future can illuminate each other. Borrowing historical techniques, investigative strategies, and exhibition formats, such as the peepshow box (or rarekiek), the diafanorama, and 17th-century tapestry weaving, the works consider the obsolescence of media and its effect on knowledge and storytelling. The work of Cremers and Kraal reanimates these lost objects and their ability to communicate the questions of material, imaginative and cosmic knowledge. Of Gaia and Ouranos displays immersive installations and sculptures as well as a ‘living archive’ of inspirational imagery.

For the latter I have contributed substantially from my own archives of book-based footage and the online collection of the Public Domain Review. Altogether a selection of 262 images that have served (the artists) as inspirational imagery, or that just resonates all that’s in the spirit of ‘cosmic modesty’ are beamed in the basement – next to showcases that display a fine selection of books and (other) paraphernalia.

  • Check out my new (additional) website Content is being uploaded on a daily basis.
instagram: @frankvdstok / /

Last updated 13 October 2024, 10:48.